Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful therapy that is very effective in treating head and neck injuries. CST releases the trauma that creates constriction in the fascial tissue and cranial bones that can cause pain and tension.
Cranial Sacral Therapy is excellent treatment for the following:
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful therapy that is very effective in treating head and neck injuries. CST releases the trauma that creates constriction in the fascial tissue and cranial bones that can cause pain and tension.
Cranial Sacral Therapy is excellent treatment for the following:
Cranial Sacral Therapy works to release the surrounding fascial and connective tissue and allows the cranial bones to return to their natural position. CST also re-balances the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in and around the bones of the cranium and sacrum via the spinal column. This therapy also works to release emotional and physical stress being held throughout the body.
Clients rest on a massage table while the therapist goes through a series of gentle hand placements that allow the bones of the cranium to 'unwind' and release the tension and emotions held there. Clients report feeling very relaxed and may experience a sensation of the bones in the face and skull moving slightly as they relax and re-balance!
Healing Testimonial:
My daughter experienced head trauma from a fall from a swing two years ago that left her with chronic headaches, extreme sensitivity to light and sound and compromised her vision to the point that we took her out of school for over a year. We tried several types of treatment to help her heal and had some success but did not get significant results until treatment with Veronika. After looking into Cranial Sacral Therapy we wanted to give it a try. My daughter had immediate relief of her head pain after the first session. Veronika told us up front it may take several treatments and she couldn't make any promises of total recovery but it worked! My daughter saw her weekly for 14 weeks and had an 90% improvement, her vision was greatly improved, her headaches are rare and her sensitivity to sound is much better. To see your child return to her old self after dealing with chronic pain for so long was a great blessing. Our family is very grateful for her expertise and service
Polarity Therapy is a dynamic therapy that utilizes the bodies' own energetic meridians to release tension & stress held in the fascia tissue of the body. Cranial Sacral focuses on the head & neck, Polarity focuses on the rest of the body.
Developed over many years, a series of hand placements are used to allow the body to release in spe
Polarity Therapy is a dynamic therapy that utilizes the bodies' own energetic meridians to release tension & stress held in the fascia tissue of the body. Cranial Sacral focuses on the head & neck, Polarity focuses on the rest of the body.
Developed over many years, a series of hand placements are used to allow the body to release in specific sequences. This type of therapy is used to release muscle pain and tension in areas of concern that traditional massage techniques may not help.
Polarity therapy is also very useful in assisting the body to release tension created by emotional stress & trauma. PTSD is a good example of how trauma can be held in the tissue and cellular memory long after an incident has occurred and can continue to create problems many years later.
Polarity Therapy is a wonderful option to help release the patterns of 'holding' that occur subconsciously as we literally tense to avoid feelings of pain in our body, emotional or physical. Polarity Therapy helps release this tension and the originating trauma.
Healing Testimonial:
I have been to several massage therapists in the Sioux Falls area and was not satisfied with the service or results that I had been receiving. When I came across Veronika's website thru another business I saw that she offered several techniques that I was not familiar with. I drive a truck for a living and the constant jarring and bouncing took its toll on my lower back that started some disc problems and sent shooting pain down my leg to my foot. I was actually considering surgery as an option before coming here because the pain was so great. The first couple of sessions with Veronika were half an hour each because I was in a lot of pain and couldn't lay on my stomach for long. I could feel that the energy work she suggested to help release the tissue was starting to work. Not only did she help with a very tight neck and sore shoulder blades, she helped to relieve the pain in my lower back. After the third session I was finally able to do an hour session and mix massage with her other techniques and have been ever sin. I saw Veronika for a several weeks, avoided surgery on my back and felt that she took the poor quality of life that I was experiencing and helped me to finally feel like a human being again.
Thank you Veronika, you're the best.
- B. Gullickson
30 minutes $55.00
60 minutes $98.00
90 minutes $129.00
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